Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Half Time in America....

I have a strong connection to the city of Detroit.  It's funny to say this because I've never been there.  But I feel that the city has so much history and I know people from there are so proud of their city.  The struggle that came with that place is tremendous.  And this commercial touched me so deeply that I couldn't stop crying.  This country is facing a trial right now - and just like people of Detroit, we all have to find a way to overcome it and triumph... 

Clint Eastwood is the man. 


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winter Dresses

Living in Florida often prevent us from wearing winter clothes although there are times we suffer from freezing temp time to time.  I grew up in Hawaii and I have spent my life in FL for the past 5 years, cold weather is not my best friend.  I'd much rather being on the beach.  But when I look at cute winter coats or boots or dresses, I know I'm missing out something....   Or am I?   

*all the photos are courtesy of The Santorialist 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I love Cameron Diaz.  She's one of my favorite Hollywood actresses.  My fashion often influenced by her style.  I created this piece via Polyvore imagine her style and what I would want to wear for a casual day...

Friday, January 27, 2012

I heard this on radio this morning that an Iowa man who won $14.3 million dollar lotto last year had been refused to come forward in public and withdrew himself from the winning ticket this week through his lawyer.  The man said that his face cannot be known in public.  Even his lawyer doesn't know his face nor true identity.  Really?  So  weird...

Actually, this smells like either he's in a witness protection or a murderer.  I mean, who would walk away from $14 million?  Don't tell me he's really shy.  Do you know what you can do with the money?

Apparently, every state has regulations and protocol when they dispense lotto money.  They need to make sure the winning tickets are purchased legally, the winner is a legitimate, and the winner also need to come out in public.  I heard that people are going crazy over this man, trying to find out who this mystery man is.  I'm sure he's really disappointed about giving up on $14 million, but I guess his safety, whatever the reason is more important - hence, money is not everything.  {sounds so convincing, doesn't it?)

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Spring, I can't wait for you...

I love all seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter.  But spring, oh something about spring that I always look forward to around this time.  Florida does have warm winter compare to other places, but I still look for those first scent of spring, where you know the flowers start to grow or the leaves turn greener and greener on trees.  The wind is calm and fresh... And I can wear a dress like this pic on top<3

Know your enemy...

I have been fortunate enough to surround myself with all the people I truly love and care.  If anything, I take pride in finding true good friends, and believing friends have nothing to do with quantity but quality.  It doesn't matter if your friends are just numbers on your FB or Twitter or just followers on your blog.  Friends have to matter in your life.

Last week, I had some incidents where I realized you just can't trust certain people.  They lie, they manipulate, and out to get you or get what you have.  When you trust someone and talk about your life or your secrets and find out that everybody knows about it - that's a total shock. 

I've never repeat someone's secret or story if my friend ask me not to talk about it.  It's a burden sometimes, a big weight on your shoulder, but I also feel tremendous gratitude for her trusting me.  Why do I want to mess that up? 

I can tell you that some people just don't care.  And sometimes, you just have to trust your instinct - it's okay not to be friends with everybody.  Protect yourself, protect your friend and family. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mini Vacay!!!

Oh finally, I'm going on a mini vacation. So needed it!!!  Although I love living in Florida, sometimes I just need to get away from boring, always so beautiful weather.  I'm not sure how often I can update my entry, but I will try to post something exciting while I'm there. 

Destination - still a secret!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Norma Jene

I often feel that there aren't many true Hollywood Stars anymore.  Everyone is famous and anyone can be famous these days.  And I know, it took a lot of effort to be famous back in the days.  One of my favorite stars, Norma Jene (Marilyn Monroe) - a true Hollywood Icon.

Starting over, again.

I've done this before, the blogging.  There were times I fully enjoyed and took great pride of doing it.  And one day, it's become more of stress.  I think I focused more on how to please readers than making myself happy - I censored what I wanted to say or what I wanted to put out there. 

I'm an artist who love to paint, write and create things with my hand and mind.  And I truly hope I can find joy and love sharing my world with all of you....